Climate Week Philippines | Sustainable Cities and Energy Transition

Climate Week PhilippinesWith less than two months left before countries all over the world come together to conclude a landmark deal for the planet, the Embassy of France to the Philippines is hosting a week dedicated to highlighting the role of civil society in facing the climate challenge. This “Climate Week,” which takes place from October 5 to 11, will bring together civil society representatives, artists, members of the academe,government officials, and other stakeholders, as well as the general public, for a series of conferences, art exhibits and performances, film screenings, and other activities to contribute to the local discourse on the climate, offer solutions, and express their commitment to the conclusion of an ambitious, universal, and legally binding agreement on the climate during COP21 in Paris this December.

Conference 5: Sustainable Cities and Energy Transition

The 5th Conference of the Series which discusses the Sustainable Cities and Energy Transition took place in De La Salle University, Manila, last October 8 at 1:30PM – 4:30PM.

Faced with rapid industrialization and urbanization, cities around the world are becoming more and more vulnerable to climate impacts. It has now become imperative for policymakers, civil society representatives, and the private sector to cooperate in the proper planning of cities and the introduction of innovations to create climate-resilient and sustainable communities to mitigate and adapt to the challenges brought by climate change.

Speakers: Gene Ferrer (Aksyon Klima Pilipinas), Renato Redentor Constatino (Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities), Phillip Fullon (Carbon Footprint Network), Ma. Assunta Cuyegkeng (Ateneo Institute of Sustainability), Melvin Purzuelo (Responsible Ilonggos for Sustainable Energy), Atty. Gia Ibay (World Wide Fund for Nature), Catherine Young (artist), Christophe Blanchot (French Development Agency)

#ClimateWeekPH #COP21

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